What Does Research-Based Science Say About Cbd?

Posted by Soko Miracle on 28th Dec 2022

What Does Research-Based Science Say About Cbd?

CBD and CBD-based products are having a moment of recognition among modern wellness products. CBD is an ancient organic compound that has stormed the mainstream wellness market and looks like it is here to stay. The list of its benefits is long and quite unbelievable. CBD is most known for its anti-inflammatory and stress-relief properties. Other applications include pain relief, anxiety reduction,  improved sleep quality, etc. How much of it is proven? What does research-based science say about CBD?

How much do we actually know about this miracle cure-all compound?

 FDA approved the CBD extracted from hemp as a non-hazardous, and non-addictive drug and allowed production, distribution, and consumption of it in late 2018. That too is governed by state rules and is not unanimous. Before that, CBD products had just as many limitations as THC or marijuana products in general. Since the FDA approved it, there has to be some rock-solid proof behind it. 

There are a number of questions that some people may have concerning CBD. Questions like:

Can cannabidiol (CBD) treat Parkinson’s symptoms? Could CBD Help to Ease Parkinson’s Symptoms? Can I Take Cbd If I Am Diabetic?

These are just some of the questions we are going to attempt to address and more based on what research based science says about CBD and how CBD has been proven to help in the management of certain medical conditions. However please be advised that none of this information should be taken as expert medical advice. Please consult your doctor if you have any questions.

CBD In The Treatment Of Epilepsy – CBD for seizures study 

The GWPCARE study (2015) (ref- 1):In April 2015, the GW research team conducted a study on 199 participants suffering from Dravet syndrome, or epilepsy syndrome. Although ultimately the study concluded with 80 participants, the result showed that over 75% of patients treated with sufficient doses of CBD over 12 weeks saw an improvement in their condition. The study proved that CBD helps reduce the frequency and severity of epilepsy. 

Should You Take CBD For Seizures ? The takeaway: CBD in proper doses helps control the frequency and severity of Epilepsy. However , you need to consult with your doctor first to see about the possibility of using Cannabidiol in the Treatment of Epilepsy.

CBD In The Treatment Of Seizures And Epilepsy In Children The research of INSYS Therapeutics Inc. (2016) (ref- 3):

In early January 2016, INSYS Therapeutics Inc. conducted a study on 52 participants  between the ages 1 to 18 years . Participants  were given CBD oral solution (a non-plant-based solution) regularly 12 hours apart for up to 50 weeks. The patients were suffering from treatment-resistant seizures and epilepsy. The goal of the study was to find out the long-term safety and effectiveness of CBD in controlling seizures and epilepsy in infants, children, and adults. While some of the patients showed side effects like diarrhea, anemia, pyrexia, and a few more (mostly infants), overall, the patients had an overall improvement .  CBD wasn’t used as a standalone medicine but alongside the usual treatment of the illness. CBD helped control the symptoms of the illness effectively. 

The takeaway: CBD helps manage the intensity and frequency of seizures and epilepsy.

CBD For Managing Parkinson’s Disease -The study done at the University of Colorado (2016) (ref- 2):

The University of Colorado in association with GW Research Ltd conducted a study on 13 patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease in 2016. Using CBD to Treat Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms. The participants were between 45 and 78 years old, with ≥ 2cm resting tremor movement, which is not on the end but is concerning. The goal of the study was to prove that CBD helps in managing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The overall outcome of the study was very positive. The material under question is pure (≥ 98%) CBD oil and all 13 patients said that they felt an improvement after starting to take CBD. It helped them in managing the tremors and other symptoms. 

CBD for Sleep & Insomnia Symptoms – Does CBD work as a sleep aid?  Another study was conducted on CBD For Help With Sleeplessness in adults. The sample consisted of 72 adults presenting with primary concerns of anxiety (n = 47) or poor sleep (n = 25). Anxiety scores decreased within the first month in 57 patients (79.2%) and remained that way for the duration of the study . Sleep scores improved within the first month in 48 patients (66.7%) but fluctuated over time. In this chart review, CBD was well tolerated in all but 3 patients showing that Cannabidiol may hold benefit for sleep-related disorders.

Management Of  Anxiety and Depression –  Does CBD Help With Anxiety And Depression? 

CBD’s ability to treat anxiety and depression is perhaps its most known effect and the reason its use is increasing day by day. A 2017 study in the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry tested the anxiety levels of 57 men on CBD. These men experienced a significant anxiety reduction compared to men who were just given a placebo. 

Furthermore, one study revealed that CBD had effects that were similar to the antidepressant imipramine. More trials are needed, to confirm whether CBD can successfully induce this antidepressant reaction in our bodies consistently.  For a better experience it’s good to get the Best CBD Oil for Anxiety here.

CBD For The Treatment Of Epilepsy In some cases, CBD can be used to treat epileptic seizures.In 2018, FDA approved the use of CBD under the brand name Epidiolex for the treatment of seizures resulting mainly from Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. These are rare forms of epilepsy and CBD was able to reverse its effects in 2 years olds. Three rigorous studies provide the basis of support for the FDA’s decision. In these trials, patients of either of these syndromes were given either a placebo or Epidiolex. The results concluded that Epidiolex, when taken along with prescribed medications, decreases the frequency of patients’ seizures.

CBD For The Management Of PTSD Symptoms-   Does CBD help anxiety and PTSD?

In a small study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were given CBD along with psychiatric care for eight weeks in a psychiatric clinic. Almost all participants except one experienced a decrease in symptoms. The research also noted the tolerance of CBD in the body.

So , is CBD good for mental health?    Many human trials suggest CBD manages PTSD symptoms. Used alone or with other components of CBD it has shown great promise in this regard.

CBD For The Treatment Of  Opioid addiction- Can CBD Treat Opioid Addiction?

Some studies suggest CBD could be used to help treat people who are suffering from drug dependence, especially with opioids. In a recent study, researchers administered CBD to people suffering from heroin use disorder. After this week-long therapy, CBD significantly reduced heroin users’ withdrawal anxiety, resting heart rate, cravings, and salivary cortisol levels. No serious adverse effects were noted.Other studies have found CBD helpful in relieving various psychiatric and medical symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, and pain associated with patients suffering from substance abuse disorders. This indicates that CBD maybe an effective treatment for opioid addiction.

CBD Oil for ALS-  Can Cannabis Treat ALS?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) causes nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to deteriorate, resulting in progressive loss of muscle control. The etiology is not yet understood but hereditary causes can be the reason. There are only two FDA-approved medications to help treat ALS symptoms apart from that no known cure exists. Research done in this matter concluded that people with ALS can benefit from the entourage effect created by the combination of THC and CBD. In a 2019 controlled research, patients received a combination of both CBD and THC in different doses according to their needs and preferences. Those with mild to moderate muscle tightness and stiffness due to ALS reported really good results with the treatment. Surprisingly, people with moderate to severe symptoms experienced higher satisfaction rates. A good CBD oil dosage for ALS would be to start with a small amount and gradually increase the amount.

CBD In The Management Of  Diabetic Complications –  Is Cbd Oil Good For Diabetics

In numerous studies carried out in this regard, tests on humans found that CBD reduces the effects of excess glucose levels on other cells of the body, which happens before diabetes can occur along with various complications. Scientists concluded that with further studies, CBD can be of great use when given to patients with diabetes, diabetic complications, or plaque buildup in artery walls.

In a small study, patients with type 2 diabetes who were not using insulin as treatment were given CBD and some were given a placebo. These studies found that CBD consumption lowered their levels of resistin- a molecule that causes resistance to insulin, the protein that regulates sugar levels. It also appeared to have increased the levels of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (a hormone that ensures a sufficient release of insulin from digested food) in patients as compared to their initial value before the test. 

So, Can Cbd Oil Be Used By Diabetics ?   Results from these tests concluded that CBD could be an organic treatment option for diabetes. It works by helping the body manage insulin-related hormone levels.

CBD Oil Against Neurological Disease – Using Cbd Oil For Motor Neurone Disease

Some rigorous studies and controlled trials in this regard show that CBD has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have concluded that these characteristics can be very significant in regards to neuroprotection, as well as protection against many pathological disorders. Several studies suggest that this natural supplement can show beneficial effects against Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Further clinical studies are being done to confirm CBD’s benefits when used as a treatment for these disorders and the results coming in so far are very hopeful.

CBD In The Treatment Of  Arthritis Symptoms –  Is CBD good for arthritis?

Arthritis is a debilitating disease that involves the destruction of the tissues, specifically in and around your joints. There are many types of arthritis but the common symptoms include pain, stiffness, and loss of function. Arthritis treatment usually works towards pain relief and improvement in joint function and movement.

A 2006 trial concluded that Sativex—a CBD-based botanical drug approved by FDA—showed promising results in improving quality of sleep, pain during movement, and at rest in patients with rheumatoid arthritis as compared to people who were given a placebo. It was the first clinical trial of Sativex in regards to the treatment of arthritis involving more than 50 patients. CBD not only exhibited a pain-relieving effect, but it also showcased an ability to suppress disease activity.

In 2018, research for more localized treatment was carried out. During the research, scientists administered a synthetic CBD gel in different doses according to the symptoms daily and on the other hand applied a placebo to patients with knee pain due to arthritis. Patients were instructed to stop taking any other anti-inflammatory medications or painkillers. Only acetaminophen was allowed before and during the study period.The results were interesting and very confidence-boosting. The studies concluded that there was a statistically significant difference between the group receiving the CBD dose and the placebo group when average weekly readings of their worst pain levels were measured. Along with that, their WOMAC (Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index) physical function rating was also seen to show very positive results. Furthermore, men benefitted from CBD more significantly than women in this test showing slight male predilection. How long does it take for CBD oil to work for joint pain?  The answer  varies from individual to individual.

Now that we have learned about the different kinds of  benefits that CBD has to offer, we can now talk about the various forms in which CBD is available.

In what forms Can CBD Be Consumed?

There are several different options :

  • CBD Oils 
  • CBD gummies
  • Topical applications
  • Infused in edibles

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Don’t worry we have you covered , CLICK HERE

We hope this article has been informative to you.


1. GW Research Ltd (2015, April). A Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol (GWP42003-P; CBD) as Adjunctive Treatment for Seizures Associated With Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome in Children and Adults. Retrieved from: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/study/NCT02224690?term=CBD&recrs=e&draw=4&rank=30

  1. University of Colorado (2016, October). A Study of Tolerability and Efficacy of Cannabidiol on Tremor in Parkinson’s Disease. Retrieved from: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02818777?term=CBD&recrs=e&draw=4&rank=24
  1. INSYS Therapeutics Inc. (2016, January). Cannabidiol Oral Solution as an Adjunctive Treatment for Treatment-resistant Seizure Disorder. Retrieved from: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02318602?term=CBD&recrs=e&draw=9&rank=78
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6326553/